Support the Kingdom Work
We need your support in order to carry out the mission God has called us to in here and around the world.
Spiritual Support - (1 Thessalonians 5:25)
We ask for your help to battle the spiritual forces that will come agaist us. Your prayers and encouragements will be with us as we share the Gospel of Jesus and pour into others each day.
Soon, we will have the link for our newlsetter here. That way you will know precisely how to pray and what is going on with the ministry.
Financial Support - (1 Cor. 913-14) (Haggai 2:8)
We cannot continue forward without your financial help. We know that the Lord has called hearts to give and we are seekig those who feel that call. Your donations will care for us and our families as well as fund ministry endeavors (discipleship, reaching the Gospel to greath lengths, and helping those truly in need as the Spirit leads).
If you are interested in donating, simply click your desired amount to the right or click here.
If you have any questions about how to contact us, pray, donate, or about financial stewardship, contact us at sendmeministries11@gmail.com
Send checks to P.O. Box 266, Gilmer, Texas, 75644.